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TOEFL® EssentialsTM

A friendly and convenient English-language test with the quality that universities respect

Select any step to learn more about your TOEFL® EssentialsTM journey.


Institutions Accepting TOEFL Essentials Scores

The TOEFL Essentials test is a convenient, affordable and accessible option to show your English proficiency.

Below is a list of institutions that have indicated that they accept the TOEFL Essentials test. This list is based on information taken from university websites or other official university sources.

Additional universities and institutions may accept TOEFL Essentials scores but have not specifically stated their acceptance on their websites. Be sure to check with an institution directly if you have a question about their policy.


If you’re a score user and want to add your institution or program to this list, please fill out the TOEFL Test Products Acceptance Form or email

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*Special conditions may apply. Updated on September 21, 2023