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How to Create an ETS Account Video Transcript

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Video duration: 2:39

This is how to create an ETS account on the GRE® website. With an ETS account, you can register for a GRE® General Test, a GRE® Subject Test, apply for testing accommodations, view your scores, order score reports, access the free GRE® Diagnostic Service and more.

Before you create your account, make sure you have a current and valid identification document. Check the ID requirements for the location where you will take your test since requirements can vary.

Let's get started. From the login page, select the "Create an Account" button. The first and most important part of creating your profile is entering your name. The name you use when you create your account will be the name on your registration for your GRE tests. The name you use, including its spelling, must exactly match, excluding accents, the name printed on the identification documents that you will present on the day of the test. If they do not match, you may be prohibited from taking the test, or your test scores may be canceled after you take the test. Include your entire last name, family or surname. If your last name includes spaces, be sure to supply your complete last name as it appears on your ID documents, excluding accents.

For example, a last name of Fernandez de Cordova with an accent on the first "o" would be entered as Fernandez space de space Cordova with no accent. Continue with your date of birth, gender, email, address and phone number.

You can then choose to receive helpful text messages and emails from ETS. Create a username and password. Then select a security question and enter your answer. Check the box to acknowledge the terms and conditions and then click "Next".

Just about done! On the Review and Submit page, confirm that all the information you've entered is correct. Pay careful attention to your name, date of birth and gender, because those items cannot be easily changed later. Scroll down, review everything, and then click "Submit".

Look for a confirmation email from ETS. Now that you have an account, you can register for a test. For more on that, check out our video, "How to Register for a GRE General Test." Good luck on your path to graduate school and beyond.