Successful student recruitment requires planning, a solid communication strategy and some versatile services to maximize your desired results. Learn about two resources the GRE Program offers to help you achieve your enrollment goals.
The GRE® Tests
Completing your view of applicant strengths
Successful student recruitment requires planning, a solid communication strategy and some versatile services to maximize your desired results. Learn about two resources the GRE Program offers to help you achieve your enrollment goals.
Put our one-of-a-kind database to work for you to find and reach qualified, diverse prospects from around the world.
ETS will publicize GRE score users’ upcoming recruitment events for free to our extensive social communities.
Graduate enrollment management (GEM) professionals must adjust their recruitment and enrollment strategies in response to the ever-changing enrollment landscape. Join graduate recruitment expert, Dawn Lipker, as she shares the latest data about the graduate education market.
Topics and takeaways include:
It’s hard to argue with the solid results I achieved using the GRE Search Service. The ROI speaks for itself.
Susan HallattFormer director of graduate admissions at the College of Charleston