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The TOEFL iBT for Australia and New Zealand

A women riding on a cycle
The TOEFL iBT® test is the most widely preferred English language test, accepted by 100% of Australian universities, New Zealand universities and the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA), and for New Zealand permanent residence.

TOEFL Destinations Search

Institutions that accept TOEFL scores

Enter the institution’s name, or search by location, and you’ll find a list of institutions that accept TOEFL® scores, as well the Institution’s DI code, website, and location. All institutions and universities in the TOEFL Destinations Search database accept TOEFL scores.

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Search by name or location to find institutions and programs that accept TOEFL® scores

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Note: ETS provides these search results as a guide. Please contact institutions directly to verify accuracy of your search results.

Get into the Australia and New Zealand universities with the TOEFL iBT Test!

✔ Accepted by 100% of the Australian universities and for all Australian visas and immigration.

✔ Gain an edge over other applicants. 

✔ Accepted by 100% of the New Zealand universities and for all migration visas.

✔ Improve your probability of getting admission into your dream university.