Bring valid, acceptable identification (ID) to the test center. Check with your test center regarding any local mandates regarding masks, proof of vaccination, or other policies.
The premier test of academic English communication
Get ready for your test at an authorized TOEFL iBT test center.
One day (24 hours) before your appointment, sign in to your ETS account to confirm there are no changes to your registration details (e.g., a different time or building than originally scheduled).
Test security is very important to ETS. There are policies and procedures that test centers must follow to ensure the test is administered fairly and securely. If you fail to follow the instructions of the test center staff, you won't be permitted to test, and your test fee won't be refunded. Any violation of security procedures during the test or during a break may result in dismissal from the test center and/or cancellation of your test scores. You can review all the security policies and procedures in the Bulletin.