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The TFI™ Test

The international standard for assessing French-language proficiency.

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About the TFI Test

The TFI test fairly and objectively measures the French proficiency of language learners of all levels, regardless of background. ETS uses standardized and secured testing procedures that ensure that:

  • test takers have the same testing experience no matter the place and time
  • no test taker has an unfair advantage or disadvantage  
  • test scores remain fair and comparable across administrations

Test content and format

The test examines listening and reading comprehension skills and uses common vocabulary, phrases and key expressions that reflect real-world tasks. Test takers don’t need special knowledge beyond that of a person who uses written and oral French in everyday activities.

Handbooks, guides and test preparation

To help test takers succeed on the TFI test, we offer free test preparation and other resources.

TFI Examinee (Manuel du Candidat) Handbook

Contains sample questions and additional information about the TFI test.

TFI™ Examinee Handbook

For test-taking strategies and sample questions, in English.

TFI Sample Test

Practice with a full sample test.

Guide for Test Takers with Disabilities

Details the accommodations made for individuals with disabilities.