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Validating HiSET Tests as High School Equivalency Tests That Improve Educational, Vocational, and Quality-of-Life Outcomes HiSET ACT GED CCR GPA

Klieger, David M.; Williams, Kevin M.; Bochenek, Jennifer; Ezzo, Chelsea; Jackson, Teresa
Publication Year:
Report Number:
ETS Research Report
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Page Count:
Subject/Key Words:
ETS High School Equivalency Test (HiSET), Test Validity, Test Scores, GED Test, ACT, Equivalency Tests, Academic Skills, College and Career Readiness (CCR), Educational Attainment, Employment Opportunities, Wages, Income, Salary, Quality of Life, High School Grades, Grade Point Average (GPA), Job Satisfaction, Vocation Education


Results from two studies provided strong evidence for the validity of the HiSET tests, thereby demonstrating that HiSET is a well-developed battery of tests with passing and college and career readiness (CCR) standards that, when met, provide a pathway to postsecondary education, better employment opportunities and wages, and a better quality of life to those who are unable to experience a traditional high school education. Positive relationships exist between HiSET scores and both high school grades and ACT scores, including high levels of agreement between HiSET CCR indicators and ACT CCR indicators. Therefore, evidence supports the claim that HiSET scores are measures of high school equivalency, preparedness for middle skills jobs, and college readiness. Furthermore, there is evidence that passing the HiSET provides value to stakeholders. Passing the HiSET battery is associated with gaining academic and personal skills, college enrollment, employment gains (e.g., obtaining employment, obtaining more full-time employment, wage increases, and improvement in a job or position), and quality-of-life improvements.

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