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The Road Ahead for State Assessments: What the Assessment Consortia Built, Why it Matters, and Emerging Options Coming Together to Raise Achievement ESSA CCR ELL PARCC SBAC ELPA21 NCSC DLM

Educational Testing Service
Publication Year:
Educational Testing Service, March 2016
Document Type:
Subject/Key Words:
State Assessments, Race to the Top Fund, Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), College and Career Readiness (CCR), English Language Learners (ELL), Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC), SMARTER Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC), English Language Proficiency Assessment for the 21st Century Consortium (ELPA21), The National Center and State Collaborative (NCSC), Multi-State Alternative Assessment, The Dynamic Learning Maps Assessment Consortium (DLM), ASSETS English Language Proficiency Assessment System, ACCESS for ELLs 2.0, ETS K-12 Center


This publication is the final edition in a series that chronicled the work of six federally funded assessment consortia, Coming Together to Raise Achievement. Leaders from across the country provide their reflections on the impacts of the Race to the Top Assessment Program, its lasting contributions, its shortcomings and the assessment opportunities and challenges that lie ahead under the Every Student Succeeds Act.

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