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Validity Evidence to Support the Revision of a Licensure Assessment for Fundamental Subjects: A Job-Analytic Approach

Swiggett, Wanda D.; Tannenbaum, Richard J.; Baron, Patricia A.; Anderson, Carol; Hawkinson, Scott R.; Lesh, Lydia; Peterson, Steve
Publication Year:
Report Number:
ETS Research Memorandum
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Page Count:
Subject/Key Words:
Job Analysis, Certification, Fundamental Subjects, Validity


A job analysis was conducted to define the broad knowledge of the fundamental subjects of English, math, social studies, and science important for entry-level teachers. The results will be used to guide the development of new test content specifications for the Praxis™ Fundamental Subjects: Content Knowledge assessment. A draft domain was constructed from existing test specifications, scholarly literature, and several state and national standards. A national advisory committee (NAC) of English, math, social studies, and science teachers and college faculty reviewed and modified the draft domain to reflect the knowledge/skills they believed were important for safe and effective practice and needed at time of entry into the profession. The revised domain consisted of 73 statements clustered within four major categories: English Language Arts, Mathematics, Civics and Social Studies, and Science. Survey responses of 626 educators provided independent evidence of the importance of the domain. Respondents judged each knowledge/skill statement on a scale ranging from 1 (not at all important) to 5 (extremely important). Seventy-two knowledge/skill statements had mean ratings above 3.50 in the aggregate sample and for subgroups containing more than 30 respondents. These results indicate that the 72 statements may be considered appropriate for guiding the development of new test content specifications for the Praxis Fundamental Subjects: Content Knowledge assessment.

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