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Relationships Between Job Functions and the NTE Core Battery: Analysis of the Professional Functions of Teachers. Appendices NTE

Rosenfeld, Michael; Thornton, Richard F.; Skurnik, Larry S.
Publication Year:
Report Number:
ETS Research Report
Document Type:
Page Count:
Subject/Key Words:
Job Analysis, National Teacher Examinations (NTE), Teachers


Appendices to the analysis of the Professional Functions of Teachers Relationships between job functions and the NTE Core Battery are presented. Appendices are: 1) job analysis interview questionnaire; B) draft inventory; C) inventory of the professional functions of teachers; D) inventory for administrators; E) cover letters/instructions sent to participating schools; F) percentage of elementary and secondary teachers in each region performing each task and mean ratings of job tasks by teachers and by administrators; G) job tasks and factor loadings on principal components; H) statistical details of principal components analysis; I) correlations between scale (factor) scores by groups (importance rating scale) and factor structure comparisons: Tucker Method: J) mean importance ratings of tasks grouped by factor by biodata variables; K) percentage of elementary and secondary school teachers in each region using each knowledge area and mean ratings of knowledge areas by teachers and administration; L) statistical linkages between knowledge areas and job tasks for elementary teachers and secondary teachers; and M) rating scale and mean ratings by advisory committee of extent at entry of knowledge areas. (SGK) (200pp.)

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