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The Measurement of Academic Interests - Part II: The Predictive Validities of Academic Interest Measures AIM

Norris, Lila; Katz, Martin R.
Publication Year:
Report Number:
ETS Research Bulletin
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Page Count:
Subject/Key Words:
College Board, Academic Interest Measures (AIM), Grade Prediction, High School Students, Interest Inventories, Predictive Validity, Student Interests, Validity Studies


This study of predictive validities of Academic Interest Measures (AIM) is based on a follow-up through Grade 12 and one year after high school graduation, of students tested in Grade 11. Major topics considered are: prediction of both marks and interests in Grades 12 and 13, emphasizing differential prediction; structure of abilities, interests and values; and relationships between the independent variables and occupational criteria for the subsample which did not continue post-high school education. (PF)

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