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Theory of Action and Validity Argument in the Context of Through-Course Summative Assessment

Bennett, Randy Elliot; Kane, Michael; Bridgeman, Brent
Publication Year:
Invitational Research Symposium on Through-Course Summative Assessments, Feb 10-11, Atlanta, GA, Center for K-12 Assessment & Performance Management at ETS, published online, Mar 2011
Document Type:
Page Count:
Subject/Key Words:
K-12 Assessment, Summative Assessment, Validity, Common Core State Standards, State Education Standards, ETS K-12 Center


This paper offers a set of recommendations for the design and validation of through-course assessment systems that might be used in the context of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). The recommendations are based on the idea that the validation argument must go beyond claims about the meaning and uses of test results. That argument must also include impact claims related to the intended and unintended effects of assessment systems on individuals and institutions. In the CCSS context, those effects include impact on classroom practice, as well as increased achievement itself.

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