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Diego Zapata-Rivera

Diego Zapata-Rivera is distinguished presidential appointee at ETS in Princeton, NJ. He earned a Ph.D. in computer science (with a focus on artificial intelligence in education) from the University of Saskatchewan in 2003. His research at ETS has focused on the areas of innovations in reporting systems and technology-enhanced assessment including work on adaptive learning and assessment environments, conversation-based assessment, caring assessment, and game-based assessment. His research interests also include Bayesian student modeling, open student models, conversation-based tasks, virtual environments, authoring tools, and program evaluation. Zapata-Rivera has produced more than 150 publications including edited volumes, journal articles, book chapters, and technical papers. He has been a committee member and organizer of international conferences and workshops in his research areas. He is a co-PI and research co-director of the INVITE AI Institute ( He has been a committee member and organizer of international conferences and workshops in his research areas. He was elected as a member of the International AI in Education Society Executive Committee (2022–2027) and selected to be an IEEE Education Society Distinguished Lecturer (2024-2025). He is a member of the editorial board of User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction and an associate editor of The International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education (IJAIED) and AI for Human Learning and Behavior Change. He is a former associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies.  Zapata-Rivera has been invited to contribute his expertise to projects sponsored by the National Research Council, the National Science Foundation, NASA, and the U.S. Army Research Laboratory.

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