Jamie Mikeska is a managing principal research scientist in the ETS Research Institute. She earned a Ph.D. in curriculum, teaching, and educational policy (emphasis in science education) from Michigan State University in 2010. Her research focuses on four related areas: (1) designing, developing, and conducting validation studies on assessments of content knowledge for teaching (CKT) science; (2) examining and understanding validity issues associated with measures designed to assess science teachers’ instructional quality, including observational measures, value-added measures, student surveys, and performance-based tasks; (3) extending and studying the use of these knowledge and instructional practice measures of science teaching quality as summative assessment tools for licensure purposes and as formative assessment tools integrated within teacher education and professional development contexts; and (4) examining how artificial intelligence can be used to support science teacher learning of key teaching competencies. She has been the principal investigator on numerous National Science Foundation (NSF) research projects (1621344, 1813254, 2037983, and 2032179) and has served on the editorial review boards of the Journal of Research in Science Teaching, the Journal of Science Teacher Education, Innovations in Science Teacher Education, and the American Educational Research Journal where she received the Outstanding Reviewer award in 2018. Dr. Mikeska facilitated a working conference in 2018 on the role of simulations in K-12 science and mathematics teacher education and served on the planning committee for the NSF DRK-12 2021 principal investigator conference.
Jamie Mikeska | LinkedIn
Last updated: 1/3/2025