Phillip Leung received a bachelor’s in mathematics and computer science from the College of Staten Island in 1989. He worked as a research assistant and assistant systems manager in a VAX/VMS environment before he graduated. Upon graduation, he joined ETS and has been an assistant data analyst, associate data analyst, lead data analyst, principal data analyst, senior data analyst, manager-data analysis and interactive systems, director of data analysis and interactive system. Currently, he is a principal data analysis/computational research specialist in the National and International Assessment group in the Research & Development division at ETS. His responsibilities for projects involving the National Assessment of Educational Progress include statistical program development, application program development, and web electronic publishing and application tools plus the Trial State Report, electronic reporting for the Global Assessment Center and NGAD Test Assembly Assistant–Build Assembly.
His areas of expertise and experience have included programming of large-scale statistical packages, such as the NAEP item analysis statistical package, F4STAT (in FORTRAN 90) statistical package, and the decision-making program in 1992-2011. He also has experience in web application programming for such projects as State Report Online, NAEP State Snapshot, NAEP Machine Scoring, NAEP NDE, F90STAT online help, and a datamining web application. In addition, he has experience in data visualization, which includes Amoeba, Data Gallery, Parplot, Highcharts, PrinceXML, and among others.
His programming skills include HTML5, JavaScript, XML, XSLT, CSS 3.0, Python, Fortran, SAS, and SPSS; libraries include JQuery, D3JS, Highcharts, Metro UI, OpenPyxl, Flask, Django, … etc.