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Emily Kerzabi

Emily Kerzabi is a research associate in the Psychometric Analysis and Research (PAR) area at ETS, where she primarily assists with psychometric research and operational work for the PISA and PIAAC international assessments and monitors coder reliability and the application machine-supported coding system for constructed responses. Her work partners with the German Institute for Educational Research (DIPF) in the development of an automatic response coding system improve the efficiency and accuracy of human coding across countries and languages. Kerzabi also works closely with the Psychometric and Data Science Modeling group in the division of Research and Measurement Science. There she supports collaborative problem-solving data collection and analysis, as well as the development of the EPCAL system, which is responsible for administering fully collaborative tasks online to groups. Additional systems in the EPCAL family that she is helping to develop include a teacher panel for teacher-led administration of collaborative tasks in the classroom and an annotation tool for training and effectively coding collaborative chat data following an innovative "just in time" approach.  

She completed her master's degree in research on teaching and learning at the Technical University of Munich and partnered with PISA Germany to analyze response-speed in the 2015 assessment. As a graduate student, she also participated in the design and development of an EU Erasmus+ research project aiming to facilitate social, emotional, and intercultural competences in youth. In addition to her work at ETS, she is also close to completing a second graduate degree in quantitative methods at the University of Pennsylvania. 

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