Sugene Cho Baker is an associate research scientist at ETS. She earned a Ph.D. in human development and family science from Ohio State University. Her research during her doctoral years centers on identifying the pathways from postsecondary education to work and investigating the causal effects of differing levels of educational enrollment and attainment in the transition to adulthood. Her research heavily focuses on examining the role of early career development on later objective and subjective labor market outcomes and how these associations vary by gender, race/ethnicity, and socioeconomic status.
Her research at ETS explores the motivational factors for graduate school pursuits, faculty and student perceptions on graduate school admission processes, and the association between graduate school admission policies and graduate student performance outcomes. Another major strand of her research is on the perceptions regarding career and technical education, mismatch between labor market demands and individuals’ personal interests in career and technical education clusters, and associated career technical education pursuits in school and work. As in her earlier work, emphasis is placed on how the findings vary by gender, race/ethnicity, and socioeconomic status.