The current education system falls short in equipping students with the full range of skills and competencies required for them to succeed in K-12, post-secondary education and beyond. As described in A New Vision for Skills-Based Assessment, “Modern education has been plagued by assessment systems focusing on a limited set of cognitive skills that are easy to measure, misaligned with nonlinear educational pathways, and that miss opportunities to offer insights that are valuable for learners, educators, and policymakers. As students’ educational pathways become increasingly nonlinear and learners acquire skills from a wide range of channels both in and outside of school, assessment systems must be transformed to expand the measures of skills that matter, innovate how a wide range of skills are measured, and generate powerful insights for multiple stakeholders.”
The Skills for the Future initiative brings together ETS and the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Together, we are designing, piloting, and distributing a new suite of assessments and creating an insights system that measures and documents a set of essential skills necessary for success in career and life. This new approach will capture learning wherever and whenever it takes place – whether in after-school activities, work-experience placements, internships, and more.

This shift will anchor itself in improvement science, one in which schools, educators, administrators are incorporated as active partners in the design of the assessment system and the pedagogical practices, and model lessons. We bring together schools and educators from various locations to collaboratively explore best practices and models that support students to develop essential skills. We also engage higher education institutions, employers, policy makers, and philanthropic foundations in shaping the priorities of this initiative.
Carnegie Foundation, ETS Partner to Transform the Educational Pillars They Built: The Carnegie Unit and Standardized Tests –