ETS GRE Mentor

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[00:00:00.00] [MUSIC PLAYING]


[00:00:00.00] Title, Prep with me with Official GRE Mentor.

[00:00:02.94] A woman sits down at a desk at home and opens her laptop.


[00:00:07.84] STUDENT: Hey, folks. So I've been looking for prep options for the GRE, and there are a lot, like too many. So today I wanted to show you this course I found called Official GRE Mentor. It's really great, and it's by the makers of the GRE, so I feel like they probably know what they're talking about. You can set your own goals, go at your own pace, and you get feedback right on the spot. Let me show it to you.


[00:00:31.09] GRE Test Prep


[00:00:31.72] So I need all the help I can get staying on track with studying. That's why I love that this course lets you set a date you want to finish your prep and breaks down what you need to do day by day to get there. Amazing.


[00:00:41.95] Official GRE Mentor


[00:00:43.63] The course has hundreds of practice questions and helps me understand what areas I excel at and which ones I struggle with.


[00:00:49.48] List of questions


[00:00:51.16] So I can skip over the sections that are easier for me and focus on the harder stuff.


[00:00:55.05] Text question example


[00:00:56.28] There are lots of lessons and quizzes. And then when I'm ready, I can take a timed practice test that's just like the real thing. It's usually $40, but you get it free with the course.


[00:01:05.52] Achievements page


[00:01:06.83] Now, I'm a sucker for recognition, and this course delivers. I can earn achievements for special tasks like answering five consecutive questions correctly. It really helps me stay motivated. So that's the Official GRE Mentor. It makes me feel a lot more confident about test day, and I hope it helps you, too. You can check it out at


[00:01:25.90] Copyright 2023 by ETS all rights reserved, ETS the ETS logo and GRE are registered trademarks of ETS, all other trademarks are property of their respective owners