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Reducing Barriers for Prospective Students

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Video duration: 3:03

[Modern music plays in background.]

On-Screen Text: [ETS® GRE®]

On-Screen Text: [Expanding access to graduate education has always been our mission.]

On-Screen Imagery: [Illustrations of potential test takers emerge with symbols indicating their respective interests: acquiring a medical degree, becoming a police officer, pursuing a degree in STEM and starting a career in finance.]

On-Screen Text: [From first introducing the GRE® General Test in 1949 … to provide a standard measure to help level the playing field for all applicants…]

On-Screen Imagery: [Calendar icon with pages flipping backwards from the year 2020 to the year 1949…]

On-Screen Text: […to provide a standard measure to help level the playing field for all applicants…]

On-Screen Text: […to ensuring global availability of the test…]

On-Screen Imagery: [Animation zooms out to a globe icon with 2 airplanes flying in from either side. Mountain with “GRE® Test” at its peak emerges, until further text is revealed at the base of the mountain. Scene transitions and a bundle of rocks appears. On-screen text then bursts through the rocks.]

On-Screen Text: [GRE® Test…we’ve continued to champion access…]

On-Screen Text: […because the cost and accessibility of an admissions test…]

On-Screen Text: […shouldn’t be a barrier to graduate study.]

On-Screen Imagery: [Scene transitions and a bundle of rocks appears. On-screen text then bursts through the rocks.]

[Music takes on a more upbeat/uplifting rhythm and tone]

On-Screen Imagery: [Asterisk appears in corner, and list appears sequentially under initial on-screen text.]

On-Screen Text: [That’s why we offer a variety of services to support prospective students: fee reductions; free test preparation; and testing accommodations.] 

On-Screen Imagery: [Within the list, “Fee Reductions” moves to top of screen, providing context for the next few frames.]

On-Screen Text: [Fee Reductions. To help reduce the cost of taking a GRE® test…]

On-Screen Text: [Fee Reductions…we created 3 ways that applicants can pay less…]

On-Screen Text: [Fee Reductions…or nothing.]

On-Screen Text: [Fee Reductions. 1) Individuals who can demonstrate financial need or that they are receiving unemployment benefits can apply for a 50% fee reduction voucher.]

On-Screen Imagery: [An illustration of a student if shown surrounded by voucher icons.]

On-screen Text: [Fee Reductions. 2) Individuals can receive a 50% fee reduction voucher from one of a dozen organizations serving underrepresented groups AND 1st- generation college students.]

On-screen Imagery: [An illustration of a graduating student appears.]

On-screen Text: [Fee Reductions. 3) Sponsoring schools, organizations or individuals can give prospective students a full or partially prepaid voucher.]

On-screen Imagery: [An illustration of a student and a sponsor appear, with vouchers being passed between them.]

On-Screen Text: [Free Test Preparation. ETS® and the GRE® Program also offer a variety of free and low-cost test prep materials…]

On-Screen Imagery: [“Free Test Preparation” appears at the top of the screen to contextualize the on-screen text. Test prep icons appear at the bottom of the screen. Frame transitions to a computer screen with the on-screen text being typed out.]

On-Screen Text: [Free Test Preparation…like POWERPREP® Online – free practice tests that simulate the actual test experience, including accommodations…]

On-Screen Text: [Free Test Preparation…to help all students feel prepared on test day.]

On-Screen Text: [Testing Accommodations. As the market leader for testing accommodations for students with disabilities or health-related needs…]

On-Screen Text: [Testing Accommodations…the GRE® General Test offers more than a dozen accommodations, including…]

On-Screen Text: [Testing Accommodations…extended time,] 3 On-Screen Text: [Testing Accommodations. extra breaks,]

On-Screen Text: [Testing Accommodations. screen magnification,] On-Screen Text: [Testing Accommodations. selectable colors,]

On-Screen Text: [Testing Accommodations. JAWS® screen reader, and refreshable braille compatibility.]

On-Screen Text: [We are dedicated to improving access for all students.]

On-Screen imagery: [Screen transitions and shows confetti raining down onto the students depicted at the beginning of the video from the on-screen text.]

On-Screen Text: [ETS® GRE® Learn more at]


End of Video: ETS® GRE® Breaking Barriers. Video duration: 03:03