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Steven B. Robbins

Steven B. Robbins is a principal research scientist at ETS.  He received his B.A. in psychology from the University of Illinois and his Ph.D. in counseling psychology from the University of Utah. Prior to ETS, Robbins was the vice president for research at ACT. He also is a former professor and chair of the psychology department at Virginia Commonwealth University. He helps investigate career pathways and education and workplace success factors from a human and social capital perspective. Working with the Education and Career Development center at ETS, he promotes understanding evidence-based assessment and intervention practices that help underserved learner’s bridge education and work. He also supports ETS efforts to establish, measure and promote global employability standards to inform and aid individuals and institutions as they train, hire, and advance. He is a lead developer on multiple personality and career assessments and has designed and built career and psychosocial curriculum tied to assessment solutions to promote education and workplace success. A leading expert on student success, he co-authored a book with Wesley R. Habley and Jennifer Bloom titled Increasing Persistence: Research-Based Strategies for College Student Success (Wiley, 2012). Robbins has published more than 140 refereed articles and technical reports and has led workshops and presentations around the world. He has more than 7,000 citations and a H impact score of 37. He was elected fellow of the American Psychological Association and received an early career scientist award from its’ Division 17.

Last updated: 12/12/2022

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