ETS® TOEIC® Client Spotlight Series: China National Petroleum Corporation: English Accelerates Corporate Globalization
Video duration: 0:03:58
[ETS® TOEIC® Assess to Progress]
[The TOEIC® Program Client Spotlight Series]
[English Accelerates Corporate Globalization]
[With the Chinese government pushing the “venture out” policies and the acceleration of globalization…]
[an increasing number of Chinese enterprises are expanding overseas…]
[looking for a broader platforms and richer business opportunities]
[English proficiency is thus becoming as critical as technical proficiency]
[for a company to secure an effective workforce that can meet the challenges of the global market]
Gerben Van Lent, Executive Director of Strategy and Business Growth, ETS Global B.V. - TOEIC® test has been around for more than 30 years. It’s used in more than 150 countries and more than 14000 organizations make use of the TOEIC test scores. Speaker: Liu Zhongmin, General Manager, CNPC - We have built a design office in Dubai the UAE country where we are doing projects for international clients in the Middle-east region. The employees working in Dubai office come from different countries. The employees know and understand through English. They not only work in projects but also like talking about the culture in different countries. Speaker: Li Hao, HR Manager, CNPC - We are proud to say our employees become more confident when they talk to clients and multi-national team members. As HR, we support international strategy to improve our people. English has already become a culture of our company. Speaker: Wang Jie, Project Management Department Manager, CNPC - With strong English capability we deliver the best design to customers and enable customers to realize their business goals. Speaker: Zhai Feng, Senior Project Manager, CNPC - In project execution, speaking English can achieve effective communication and cooperation, increase engineering 2 efficiency, and also enhance project management. Now we can provide consultation and engineering service for international oil company by ourselves. On-screen: [Through building your team with high English proficiency today] On-screen: [You are embracing the bondless possibilities in the global market tomorrow] Speaker: Li Hao - We have been working on many kinds of training programs in our company. One of our best practice is that we choose TOEIC as an objective test to identify people.
[The TOEIC test is the global gold standard of Workplace English Proficiency Assessment…]
[that helps global enterprises build an
excellent and globalized workforce…]
Gerben Van Lent - TOEIC tests a person’s ability to communicate effectively in English in the workplace when English is not the native language. It’s a fair, valid, and reliable measure. Speaker: Liu Dongwen, HR Supervisor, CNPC - We have more than 1,000 employees joined the TOEIC test. We have used the TOEIC test to set up benchmarks for selecting talents, identifying employee, internal transfer, and promotion. Speaker: Wu Hao, Administration Officer, CNPC - Learning English means more than just studying the language. It also helps change our mindset and even our management style. During recent years our company has rapidly evolved into a truly global organization, largely due to our diverse workforce, international project management systems, and focus on using English as our common working language. These strategies are producing benefits now and will secure our bright future. Speaker: Liu Zhongmin - No English, you can not deliver products successfully in these countries. English is very important for us. On-screen: [Today, measure English proficiency. Tomorrow, expand your business globally] On-screen: [Client Spotlight Series] End of Video: ETS® TOEIC® Client Spotlight Series: China National Petroleum Corporation: English Accelerates Corporate Globalization