TOEIC scores provide a valid and reliable assessment of English-language proficiency. Learn how to use TOEIC scores and get score reports for each test.
TOEIC Test Scores
Score Use
Learn how to use TOEIC scores and download score user guides, score descriptors, data reports and other resources for each test.
Score Reports
Learn how you’ll receive score reports for public and institutional testing sessions.
Scoring process and security
ETS uses a rigorous scoring process to ensure fair, reliable results.
The TOEIC Listening and Reading test uses automated scoring for multiple-choice questions and implements quality control procedures to ensure accuracy. This scoring process is also used for the TOEIC Bridge® Listening and Reading tests.
TOEIC Speaking and Writing tests responses are sent through a secure online system and scored by certified and calibrated ETS raters, who are closely monitored throughout the process. Multiple raters independently score responses to the Speaking and Writing tests. This ensures a level of fairness in the scoring process that traditional one-on-one interviews alone cannot provide. This scoring process is also used for the TOEIC Bridge Speaking and Writing tests.
Score validity
Scores are used to measure a test taker's English proficiency at the time that a test is administered and are valid for 2 years. ETS doesn’t require ETS Preferred Network (EPN) offices to retain test administration data beyond 2 years.