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Partner with us to enhance your products and offerings.

Leverage our proven assessment technology platforms to improve scalability, reliability and drive growth. Our suite of platforms offers a range of market leading capabilities, supported by flexible terms.

License our ready-to-use, state-of-the-art assessment platforms, products and tools for item banking, test delivery, analysis, AI scoring and more.

*ets item & test management

ETS leads the industry in content and psychometrics experts with over 600 full-time professionals on staff. Leverage our assessment IP and take charge of key activities for program success including item management, test assembly and form management.

*ets test delivery

ETS manages over 50 million tests annually in 180+ nations. Access our breadth of administration and security experience and expertise for your assessment program including test delivery and test center management, with 24/7 operational support and test center dashboard.

*ets remote proctoring

Supercharge your assessment by integrating remote proctoring into your program. Our remote proctoring solutions are safe and secure, powered by AI, and fully automated, ensuring the same rigor and monitoring as offline assessments. Let our remote proctoring IP assist you with administering error- and cheat-free assessments remotely from any location.

*ets scoring & data management

Our premier assessment platforms are built on decades of experience in scoring for computer-based and paper assessments. And with robust quality controls in place, ETS ensures reliable and consistent scores and streamlined data management and reporting for our licensed platforms.

*ets ai scoring platforms

Power your custom applications with our artificial intelligence engines that use natural language processing, spontaneous speech recognition and analysis, and machine learning for fast, accurate scoring and valuable feedback on analytical and independent writing skills; speech including pronunciation, fluency, vocabulary and grammar; and  response content evaluation including grammatical and style errors.

*ets ai writing & evaluation tool

The ETS Criterion® Online Writing Evaluation Service is an instructor-led writing development tool that gives students a holistic score with feedback on grammar, usage and mechanics to help guide their writing revision process. Educators and instructors leverage this tool to help K-12, college and English-language learning students develop critical writing skills, and support peer-to-peer feedback.

*ets HR solutions

Shifting to a skills-based HR strategy is a journey that will look different for every company. We leverage our suite of talent assessments to give you systematic, integrated solutions tailored to your needs and objectives, ensuring your workforce is not only job-ready but also future-ready. Our talent assessments cover language skills, soft skills, technical skills, custom tests for specific job roles and sectors, and more.

*ets multilingual assessment

With our subsidiary Pipplet, we provide language proficiency testing in more than 40 languages for corporations and educational institutions. Tests are fully remote and secured with automated proctoring features to ensure efficiency, flexibility, and integrity. Each test uses open-response questions, mirroring real-world scenarios, to provide an objective report of what an individual can and can’t do in the target language based on the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference).

Read more about our Licensed Solutions.

Learn more about the work our experts do with ETS IP.


ETS Expands Focus on Workforce Skills Sector with the Acquisition of PSI


Automated Scoring of Nonnative Speech Using the SpeechRater v. 5.0 Engine ELA TOEFL TOEFL iBT


ETS Acquires Wheebox™, a PeopleStrong™ company

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Start to measure better

Let’s talk about how we can collaborate with you to transform your education and workforce programs.