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The GRE® Subject Tests

Stand out from other applicants


Taking a GRE Subject Test with JAWS® and Refreshable Braille Accommodations


If you’re visually impaired, you may be approved to take a GRE Subject Test with accommodations. In addition to screen magnification and selectable colors, ETS also offers the option to test with JAWS with or without a refreshable braille device.

As you prepare for your test, you may find the following information helpful.

Custom regions

The Subject Tests use custom regions to provide a quick way for users to navigate through test content. In JAWS 2018, announcement of some regions, such as the custom regions used, are turned off by default. To force announcement of these regions, do the following:

  • Open the Settings Center by pressing Insert+6 or select "Settings Center" from the "Utilities" menu.
  • Make sure the "Applications" dropdown box is set to "Default (All Applications)."
  • At the search box, enter "configure web verbosity levels."
  • The "Web Verbosity Level" dropdown box will be set to "Medium" by default. Select one of the following two options:
    1. Change the dropdown box selection to "High."

    2. Keep the setting at "Medium" and alter the configuration as follows:
      • Select "Medium…" under "Configure Web Verbosity Levels."
      • The "Medium Virtual Cursor Verbosity Preferences" dialog box will open and "Regions" in the tree structure will be partially checked.
      • Navigate to the "Regions" check box and press the space bar until all region options have been completely selected.
      • Select the "OK" button or press Enter to close the dialog box.
  • Select the "OK" button to close the "JAWS Settings Center" dialog box.

Help for JAWS screen reader users

Help screens are available in the actual test to assist you in navigating the test. This document will familiarize you with the different elements you’ll encounter in the test and the JAWS keystrokes you can use to interact with them.

Download Help for JAWS Screen Reader Users (PDF)

JAWS hot keys

Due to the secure testing environment in which the GRE Subject Tests are administered, certain JAWS hot keys will be blocked by the test center or will cause your testing session to crash. Specifically, keys that allow you to search or find, access Windows® functions or reconfigure all JAWS settings aren’t permitted.

You’ll be able to adjust the rate of speech, change punctuation settings and adjust some braille output settings.

If your testing session does crash, it can be restarted.