Understanding Your Praxis Scores
Interpret the essential components of your Praxis score report at a glance.

Your score report contains:
- Your name
- Background information
- Education information
- Your score
- Whether you passed or not, based on the score recipients you selected
- The range of possible scores
- The raw points available in each content category
- The range of the middle 50% of scores on that test
- If you have taken the same test or other Praxis tests over the last ten years, then the highest score you earned on each test taken
Content category scores and score interpretation
On many of the Praxis tests, questions are grouped into content categories. To help you in future studies or in preparing to retake the test, your score report shows how many "raw points" you earned in each content category.
Compare your "raw points earned" with the maximum number of points you could have earned ("raw points available"). The greater the difference, the greater the opportunity to improve your score through further study.
A passing score is the score for a single test that is equal to or higher than the qualifying score set by the state or licensing agency. Passing scores are not set by ETS, and they vary by state.
Find your state's passing scoresScore scale changes
ETS updates the Praxis tests on a regular basis to ensure that they accurately measure the knowledge and skills required for licensure. Updated tests cover the same content as the previous tests.
However, scores are reported on a different scale, so requirements may vary between the new and previous versions. All scores for the previous, discontinued tests are valid and reportable for ten years.
Score review
If you feel your Praxis scores haven’t been reported correctly or don’t accurately reflect your performance, you may pay a fee to receive score review for constructed-response questions. Score review isn’t available for selected-response questions because they’re scored once at test centers and then verified at ETS before being reported. To learn more about the score review process, review The Praxis® Tests Information Bulletin (PDF).
To request a score review, please contact customer service at 1-800-772-9476 . You must submit your request within three months of your test date.
For more information about scores, such as how the Praxis tests are scored, a glossary of score-related terms, frequently asked questions about Praxis scores, and more, download Understanding Your Praxis® Scores:
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