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The GRE® Tests

Completing your view of applicant strengths


Business Schools: Build a Balanced Class with the GRE Test and Services

Are you concerned about meeting your enrollment and revenue goals? Do you feel pressure to determine which applicants will become successful alumni and advance your school’s reputation? GRE recruitment and admissions tools — along with our consultative team of practitioners with “boots on the ground” experience — can help.


Recruit and admit applicants who can succeed in your MBA, specialized master’s and doctoral programs.

GRE Benefits

Test Taker Infographic (PDF)

Recruitment Tools

Enroll applicants who fit
In my program, I’m looking for people who come from all different backgrounds — who have learned things other than business. GRE goes across disciplines in a way that the GMAT® doesn’t.

— Beena Khurana

MBA Program Director

Stop the preference myth

360,000+ individuals will take the GRE test this year. Ensure they consider your program by communicating your equal treatment of applicants who submit GRE and GMAT scores.


Collaborating to advance quality and equity

ETS works toward a common vision of education quality and equity through its councils, tools that enable applicant comparisons, and offerings that reduce barriers for those aspiring toward an advanced degree.


Advisory Councils

ETS exchanges insights and collaborates with two councils of business school leaders.

Reducing Barriers

Fee reductions, free test prep and testing accommodations are three ways ETS enables access for all learners.

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