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The ParaPro Assessment

Demonstrate your essential knowledge and skills


Accommodations for Test Takers with Disabilities or Health-related Needs

ETS is committed to serving test takers with disabilities or health-related needs by providing services and accommodations that are reasonable and appropriate, given the purpose of the test. Testing accommodations are available for test takers with disabilities or health-related needs who meet ETS requirements.


How should I complete my request?

Download and print the ParaPro Assessment Information Bulletin to learn how to request accommodations. Information in the Bulletin includes:


When should I submit my request?

You must submit your request and have your accommodations approved by ETS Disability Services before you can schedule your test.

Submit your request as early as possible, especially if you’re requesting an alternate test format. Documentation review takes approximately 2 to 4 weeks once your request and complete paperwork have been received. If you have to submit additional documentation, it can be another 2 to 4 weeks from the time the new documentation is received until the review is complete.


How should I submit my request?

Make sure to submit all completed documents with your request. You can submit your request by email or by mail or courier service.


By email

Scan your completed documents, attach them to your email message, and send everything to



By mail or courier service

Send all completed forms and documentation to:

Mail: ETS Disability Services; P.O. Box 6054; Princeton, NJ 08541-6054 USA
Courier Service: ETS Disability Services; 660 Rosedale Road; Princeton, NJ 08541 USA


What if I need to reregister?

If you’ve previously registered and your request for accommodations has been approved by ETS, you can request the same testing accommodation for subsequent test dates.

  • To reregister at a Prometric® test center: Contact Prometric directly and provide a copy of your valid approval letter to the test center administrator at least 7 business days before your anticipated test date.
  • To reregister for a remote exam: Follow the registration instructions provided in your approval letter.

If your approval letter has expired, follow the procedures outlined above to submit a new request.


Contact ETS Disability Services

If after reviewing the above information, you have questions, please contact ETS Disability Services:

Hours: Monday–Friday, 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. U.S. Eastern Time
Phone: 1-609-771-7780
Toll-free Phone: 1-866-387-8602 for test takers in the United States, U.S. Territories (includes American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands) and Canada
TTY: 1-609-771-7714
Fax: 1-609-771-7165
Email: For inquiries: For sending forms and documents:
Mail: ETS Disability Services; P.O. Box 6054; Princeton, NJ 08541-6054 USA